Original Pokémon

Original Pokémon, sometimes called Fakémon are, strictly speaking, non-official Pokémon. The term is usually overloaded to mean any combination of the following: unreleased Pokémon (such as the G2 leaks); disputed Pokémon (such as Pikablu); “assumed” Pokémon (eg.: a common pre-evolutive link between Tauros and Miltank); and ultimately fan-made Pokémon.

In this section I'm focusing on fan-made Pokémon I have created or am creating. More often than not these Pokémon would feature in the Suocéverse Wiki and related materials.

Officially Published

2024/03/26 12:03admin

In Development

This is a listing in-progress, not necessarily complete, of articles dedicated to the development of Original Pokémon. :!: Some content linked here is accessible only by registered users with the early_access role, eg.: registered Beta Readers.

Other Fakémon Ideas

The article on Original Pokémon in the Suocéverse Wiki also has a draft listing, published there for copyright and receipts on registered names and ideas.

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